Friday, June 3, 2011

Welcome to my journey

My hair has been my hobby lately. I admit it: I'm obsessed with my hair. And my skin - but I'll get to that later.

How did this happen? Well, like most women, I've always focused on it to some degree (greater or lesser, depending on the time period and what else was going on). Having curly hair sort of forces you to pay more attention to it. It needs more care and is harder to figure out than straight hair.

It had been a while since I paid any significant attention to it. There was too much going on in my life for that. Being a wife, working full time, and caring for a terminally ill family member took up all my time, energy, and attention. Two months ago, sadly, the care-taking came to an end. I had more time, but I was grieving and had little interest in my usual creative outlets. I needed a distraction. And suddenly, in an innocent search for a less expensive alternative to a product I'd been using, I noticed my hair again. We had a joyful reunion!

You see, it hadn't been so happy lately - that much I had noticed. While googling various things, I ran across Holy crow. How had I missed this? The CurlTalk discussion boards, in particular. I was totally overwhelmed and delighted. I've learned more about my hair in the past two months than the rest of my life combined. This is the first time in my life I've joined a discussion board and done more than lurk. I've always been terribly shy online; for a site to pull me out of the shadows is a powerful thing.

So a big thank you to all the members. I've learned so much from all of you, and I'm grateful to you for sharing your knowledge and experiences.

I'm starting this blog to document my experiments, talk about products I love (or hate), and generally track my never-ending quest for good hair days. I've been keeping daily notes, anyway, so I figured I might as well put it online and share it with anyone who's interested. I hope you'll stick around and take the journey with me.

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